Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sugar Cookies... to die for!

Here is the recipe for soft, moist, sugar cookies. Enjoy!

2 C. Sugar
2 C. Butter
6 Eggs
1 1/2 T. Vanilla
2 T. Baking Powder
7 C. Flour
1 C. Sour Cream

Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs, vanilla, baking powder. Then flour. Fold in sour cream. You can chill the dough, but you don't have to! Sprinkle POWDERED SUGAR.. not flour, on your counter and roll out dough to be a good 1inch thickness. Cut and put on greased cookie sheets. (Use parchment paper, way easier!) Bake at 375 for 7-9 minutes. They wont turn brown, they will start to crack a tiny bit on top and that's how you will know they are done! Don't over cook or they will be dry dry dry....

These cookies are so soothing, they will put you to sleep.... 

For the Frosting:
I always use a cream cheese frosting, because I think it tastes the best, but also has a good consistency when frosting these cookies

1 package cream cheese
1/2 c. softened butter
4-5 C. powdered sugar
2 t. vanilla
dash salt
3-4 T Evaporated milk ( you can use regular; however, it will not be as fluffy, it will be more runny so don't add as much)

The Day of Love and Sugar

Valentines Day is always interesting when you have young kids at home. I had to get creative, and so I made a " Candle Light" dinner at home.... 

After we ate, we took the kids for a walk and they were in heaven!

It was also the first day that I had eaten any sugar for 3 weeks.. I was doing so good.. and then Valentines came....

Check out the recipe!

Biggest Loser Update!

Finally got our computer to work, so now I can blog again. Happy Day! Brady and I are going on week 5 of our Biggest Loser Competition and we are doing pretty good! Brady started at 188 lbs, 17% Body Fat, and 36,000 Antioxidants. Today when he got on the scale he was at 175 lbs so I am hoping he will continue to keep losing a little bit of weight and win that portion of the competition. I weighed in at 146 lbs, 24% Body Fat, and 24,000 Antioxidants. I weighed 142 lbs today, so I am not doing as good as Brady in that area, but I am hoping that my antioxidant levels have increased dramatically, I have tried really hard the last few weeks by eating lots of fruits and vegetables, taking fish oil, and mult vitamins, and detoxing my body. We have our half way weigh in next week, so hopefully that will give us a better idea of what to work on to win the competition. Brady with the weight, and me with the antioxidant increase. I have found that eating healthy and clean has really improved our energy levels, and the way we feel in general has been so much better. I love this simple trick that helps flush out fat and toxins in the body. Fill up a gallon pitcher with water and add sliced lemon, and sliced cucumber. Drink it throughout the day, and try to drink at least 64 oz. The lemon helps balance your Ph in your body as well as cleanses the body. The cucumber flushes out your  system and helps with water bloating. You will feel so much better by adding this one simple trick into your daily routine! I love it! I will keep you updated, and hopefully we will win the competition!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Biggest Loser Contest

Hello everyone ! Our computer is broken and so I haven't been able to blog. Hopefully it will get fixed soon. Brady and I are doing a biggest loser challenge through his work and so I have some killer good healthy recipes to share. . Hopefully soon, stay tuned in!  Love you all.